My New Drug of Choice

“Take a chill pill!” That’s what my wife told me as I was getting frustrated at a Chick Fil A drive-thru when my chicken was taking too long. Can you blame me? That chicken is GOOD and can make a man do crazy things!

In truth I needed a chill-pill. I was being rude over fried chicken. How ridiculous!

I don’t know about you but I’m often embarrassed at how bent out of shape I get over dumb stuff. I often look back on situations and think, “What is your problem Zac? Why did you act like that?” I’ve had that conversation with myself more often than I want to admit.
Can you relate?

It’s because of situations like these that we need a daily dose of a chill-pill. The question is how do we get it?

Psalm 90:12 gives us some insight when it asks God to, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Think about that for a minute. What would happen in your life if you started numbering your days? Not in a morbid fear of death but in a joyful attitude knowing that today is a gift from God.

If we treat every day as a gift it changes the way we treat people. It slows us down to enjoy the moment and this wonderful thing called life. It puts us in the mindset of Psalm 118:24 when it says, “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Do you know what that’s called? It’s called a heart of wisdom. Wisdom slows us down and teaches us to appreciate God’s precious gift: Life!

Now no one can force-feed you this chill-pill. You have to choose it. It’s a life choice of waking up, asking God to help you to be thankful for today and rejoicing in it.

It’s not always easy. In fact sometimes it’s really hard. But for those of you who choose this drug of choice you will find it intoxicating. You will begin to notice how much more enjoyable life is and how wonderful the people are around you. You will begin to see God moving in your life. Start today!


Debbie Blum - May 30th, 2019 at 10:28am

Thank you for this great reminder to be thankful and appreciate ALL that He gives to us daily!

Jennifer Bates - May 30th, 2019 at 10:31am

This has greatly ministered to me. I'm a doer-ever accomplishing the tasks at hand. I often feel overwhelmed and like I didn't get enough done. This is a great reminder to enjoy every day, slow down and to not get upset at things that don't really matter.